Course Format
Self-paced, group sessions, or one-on-one sessions
This course offers over 100 dynamic lessons over, ensuring a solid foundation in the Spanish language with a focus on Andalusian culture. Each week unveils new vocabulary, grammar, and cultural insights through interactive lessons. You can choose to learn self-paced or with a tutor in one-on-one sessions.
In this beginner’s course, students will embark on a linguistic and cultural exploration.
Students Will Learn:
- Basic Vocabulary: Essential words and phrases for everyday situations.
- Grammar Fundamentals: Present tense verbs, articles, and gender of nouns.
- Pronunciation: Correct pronunciation and accentuation of Spanish sounds.
- Reading and Writing: Basic comprehension and constructing simple sentences.
- Listening and Speaking: Engage in simple conversations with confidence.
- Cultural Knowledge: Introduction to Spanish and Latin American cultures.
Each lesson is interwoven with AI-powered quizzes and interactive activities. Over 1,000 quiz questions will help you nail what you have learnt. Our in-house-designed innovative technologies like AmigoGPT™, MasterLoop™ quizzes, ClickDefine™ and SpanGlishBridge™ will assist you master the language by repetition and through personalised and focused exercises. So, your newly acquired knowledge will last for a long time.
In our immersive Spanish A1 course, we’ve designed a series of engaging and interactive modules to help you immerse yourself fully in the language learning process. Each module is tailored to address different aspects of language acquisition, from vocabulary and grammar to listening and speaking skills.
To create the modules we have implemented the Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes and also the guidelines of Common European Framework of Reference for Language skills.
Let’s introduce you to the unique components that make our course stand out:
ChatAmigo: Dive into conversational Spanish from day one with ChatAmigo, where you’ll engage in simulated dialogues to practice real-life interactions. This feature is designed to boost your confidence in speaking Spanish by placing you in various conversational scenarios.
GrammarGuru: Conquer Spanish grammar with GrammarGuru. These modules offer comprehensive lessons and exercises on Spanish grammar rules, from verb conjugations to sentence structure, ensuring you gain a solid grammatical foundation in Spanish.
VocabVault: Unlock a treasure trove of Spanish vocabulary with VocabVault. This repository is filled with interactive flashcards, games, and quizzes to help you memorize and retain Spanish words and phrases, making vocabulary building both effective and fun.
ListenLeap: Leap into listening comprehension with ListenLeap. This component focuses on improving your ability to understand spoken Spanish through a variety of audio materials, including dialogues, stories, and real-life conversations.
ScenarioStream: Experience the ultimate in real-life Spanish simulations with ScenarioStream. This feature places you in immersive scenarios, from ordering food in a restaurant to checking in at a hotel, helping you apply your Spanish in practical, everyday situations.
TutorTalk: Get tailored one-on-one lessons and real-time feedback from expert tutors. Engage in custom conversations and exercises designed for your unique learning path. TutorTalk makes achieving Spanish fluency a personalized and interactive journey.
DictateMate: Sharpen your listening and writing skills with DictateMate. Listen to Spanish sentences or phrases and transcribe them, improving your auditory comprehension and spelling accuracy. This tool is perfect for mastering the nuances of Spanish pronunciation and dictation.
Together, these modules form a holistic learning experience that not only teaches you Spanish but also prepares you to use it confidently in any setting. Welcome to a comprehensive journey into the Spanish language, where every lesson is an adventure waiting to be explored.
Main Features
- Access: Unlimited access to content.
- Material: Comprehensive library of AI-powered exercises, listening practices, and interactive texts, plus life-like chat to boost conversational skills.
- Benefits: Self-paced learning with full control over your study routine and content exploration.
Subscribe to gain FREE access for one Week.

Course Curriculum Overview – Immersive Spanish A1
The content of this course has been meticulously crafted following the esteemed guidelines of the Cervantes Institute, aligning with the European educational framework, and drawing inspiration from the renowned Spanish learning book, “Gente Hoy 1.” This ensures that the course adheres to the highest standards of Spanish language instruction, providing learners with a comprehensive and effective path to mastering the language at the A1 level.
Introduction to the Course
- Welcome to Immersive Spanish A1
- AmigoGPT: Meet Your New Amigo!
- Unlocking the Spanish Keyboard
- Pathway to Mastering Spanish with’s A1 Course
Our Teaching Philosophy
- The Triangle of Learning at LingoLenco
- How Native Tutors Can Help
- Benefits of Interactive Lessons
- Leveraging AI Assistance with AmigoGPT
Week 0: Greetings and the Basics
- VocabVault: “Hola, ¿Cómo Estás?”
- Listening Lab: “Hola, ¿Cómo Estás?”
- Repeat After Me: “¿Cómo Estás?”
- GrammarGuru: Spanish Alphabet
- GrammarGuru: Pronunciation – Vocales
- GrammarGuru: Pronunciation – Consonantes 1
- GrammarGuru: Pronunciación – Consonantes 2
- VocabVault: Numbers 1 – 10
- Practice Speaking: Numbers 1 – 10
- GameGate: Numbers 1 – 10 – Memory Card
- TutorTime: Introduction and Basics
Week 01: Introducción al Español
- GrammarGuru: Yo, Tú, Él/Ella/Usted (Pronombres Personales)
- QuizQuest: Yo, Tú… (Only for Desktop or Laptop)
- GrammarGuru: El Verbo “Ser”
- QuizQuest: El verbo ser
- Listening Lab: El Verbo “Ser”
- GrammarGuru: El verbo “Ser” – Ejemplos y uso
- Listening Lab: Una conversación con verbo “Ser”
- GrammarGuru: El Verbo “Estar”
- GameGate: El verbo “Estar”
- GrammarGuru: El verbo “Estar” – Ejemplos y uso
- Listening Lab: More examples for the verbo “Estar”
- Listening Lab: Una conversación con verbo “Estar”
- Listening Lab: Practice “ser” y “estar”
- Practice Speaking: Basic Questions in Spanish
- Repeat after me: Basic Questions in Spanish
- Role-Playing Assignment: Getting to Know Someone in Spanish
- TutorTime: Grammar and Pronunciation Fundamentals
Week 02: Números, Género, Artículos
- VocabVault: Numbers 11 – 20
- Speaking Lab: Numbers 11 – 20 – Say the numbers
- Speaking Lab: Cuantos años tienes?
- GrammarGuru: Singular and Plural in Spanish
- GrammarGuru: Genero en Español (Genders in Spanish)
- GrammarGuru: Concordancia en Español
- GrammarGuru: Favorita/o/os/as
- Listening & VocabVault: Languages and nationalities in Spanish
- Listening & Speaking Lab: Invitados de América Latina
- Listening & Speaking Lab: Invitados internacionales
- GrammarGuru: Artículos ‘El’ y ‘La’ para Países (Articles for Countries)
- VocabVault: Grande, pequeño, largo, corto, alto y bajo
- Actividades: Conoce a los García
Week 03: Verbos, Adjetivos, y Pronombres
- ReviewRoundup: Advanced Use of the Verb “Ser”
- ReviewRoundup: Advanced Use of the Verb “Estar”
- GrammarGuru & Vocabvault: Adjectives in Spanish
- Vocabvault: Professions y Occupations
- Role-play Assignment: Professions y Occupations
- Vocabvault: Civil Status in Spanish (Married, single,…)
- Role-play Assignment: Civil Status in Spanish
- Vocabvault: Personal Characteristics
- GrammarGuru: El Presente Simple
- GrammarGuru: Usage of Presente Simple in Spanish
- GrammarGuru: El Presente Simple: Irregular Verbs
- GrammarGuru: Conjugación en Acción: Domina el Presente Simple – 4
- Chat with AmigoGPT: How is your daily life?
- GrammarGuru: Los pronombres posesivos (Possessive Pronouns in Spanish)
- GrammarGuru: Pronombres Demostrativos en Español: ‘Este, Ese, Aquel
- Vocabvault: Expresando Distancia en Español: Domina ‘Aquí, Allí, Allá
- GrammarGuru: Entendiendo ‘Gustar’: Expresar Gustos en Español
- Spanish Verbs of Emotion
- Listening & Reading Lab: Explorando Marbella con la Familia García
Week 04: Preguntas básicos, Gustos, Hay, ir + a + infinitivo
- Equip your learning toolkit
: Questions that help you learn Spanish
- Practice with AmigoGPT: Questions that help you learn Spanish
- Speaking Lab: Preguntas Básicas en Español
- AmigoGPT: Can you quell the nosiness of Lola?
- GrammarGuru: Aprende a Expresar Tus Gustos con ‘Gustar’
- GrammarGuru: Aprende a Expresar Tus Gustos con ‘Encantar’
- Uso del Verbo ‘Preferir’ en Español
- Can you tell AmigoGPT what you like and dislike?
- Ir + a + infinitivo
- MasterLoop: Ir + a + infinitivo
Week 05: Vacaciones y el Clima
- VocabVault: Means of transportation
- Listening and Reading Lab: Staying at a hotel in Málaga
- AmigaGPT becomes your hotel receptionist
- Exploring Andalusia: A Journey Through Language and Landscape
- AmigoGPT becomes your travel agent in Andalusia
- CulturalConnect & VerbVoyage: Sevilla Excursion
- CultureConnect & Immersive Learning: The Heartbeat of Andalusia: Flamenco
- Immersive Learning: El Clima
- CultureConnect & Listening Lab: Granada Excursion
Week 06: Vocabulary Marathon: Gente, Profesiones y Familia
- GrammarGuru: ‘Hay’ en Español
- GrammarGuru: 5 scenarios with ‘Hay’
- VocabVault: Adjetivos Básicos y sus Antónimos
- Aficiones (Hobbies)
- características del cuerpo
- Work in Process: Hablamos sobre familia García y sus amigos
- Fiesta en el Restaurante de la Familia García
- ¡Vamos a cotillear un poco!
- Partes del cuerpo
- Los Colores
Week 07: Reflexivos Verbos – Estar + gerundio
- La Familía García: Un árbol genealógico
- ListeningLab: Conoce la Familia García – 2
- Numerales del 20 al 100
- Descripción de Actividades Diarias y Rutinas
- Eschucha y Repite los Numerales del 0 al 100
- Excursión Diaria: Alhambra – Dominio de Nuevos Verbos – 1
- MasterLoop Quiz: Nuevos Verbos – Regulares
- MasterLoop Quiz: Nuevos Verbos – Irregulares
- Excursión Diaria: Nerja – Practicar Nuevos Verbos
- Más o Menos
- Un Café con Penélope: Aprendiendo a Pedir en un Café
- GrammarGuru: Estar + Gerundio (Progressive tense )
Week 08: Tiempo y Rutina
- Uso de siempre, muchas veces, a menudo, algunas veces, nunca
- Uso de primero, luego, antes, después de, antes de
- Uso de “deste”, “hasta” y “durante” para expresar duración
- Uso de Todos los días, Una vez de la semana, Dentro de un mes
- Los verbos reflexivos
- Los Verbos Reflexivos para Rutinas Diarias
- Adverbios para rutinas de tiempo con verbos reflexivos
- Los Días de la Semana 1
- Los días de la semana 2
- Los meses del año
- Hablando del Tiempo: Años, Meses y Semanas
Week 09: Numbers, months of the year and pronombres de objecto directo Y indirecto
- España: Un Viaje por su Cultura, Geografía y Tradiciones
- Números del 100 al 1,000,000
- ¿Puedes decir estos números?
- Poner
- Vecino
- months of the year & seasons
- También, Tampoco
- Pronombres de objeto directo
- Pronombres de objeto indirecto
- Using Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Together in Spanish
Week 10: Preposiciones de lugar y direcciones
- Ariba, Abajo, Encima de, Debajo de
- Enseñar “junto a”, “frente a”, “delante de”, “detrás de”, “una esquina”
- “Al lado de”, “entre”, “en el centro de”
- Introducir “cerca” y “lejos”
- Presentar “a la derecha de” y “a la izquierda de”
- Orientación y Dirección: el norte, el este,…
- Practice with AmigoGPT: Where are the objects
- Live a healthy life
- sports
- Salud
Week 11: Food & Drinks
- Food groceries
- Food groceries 2
- Lección: Expresando Cantidad y Grado en Español
- Understanding Quantities for Grocery Shopping
- Desayuno, Amuerza, cena,…
- Cubiertos
- Dining in a Restaurant in Costa del Sol
- Repeat after me: Ordering food at a restaurant
- Mediteranean Eating Habits
- Delicioso y Casero: Cooking Essentials in the Spanish Kitchen
- Receta Fácil de Tortilla Española
- bueno, malo (muy) ~ bien/mal
- My favorite food in costa del sol
- Exploring Flavors and Preferences: Dinner with the García Family in Marbella
- Listening and Reading Lab: Escenarios Reales: Lucia y sus amigos en un restaurante
Week 12: Shopping & future tense in Spanish
- Marketplace 1
- Marketplace 2
- Comprando Vaqueros en la Tienda Levi’s de Marbella
- Vistiendo a la Familia García: Ampliando el Armario con Estilo
- Lucía compra un vestido
- Exploring the Future Tense in Spanish
- MasterLoop Quizzes™: Practice el tiempo futuro until you get it right!